Businesses today have a myriad of channels to market themselves, from social media marketing to email marketing to blogging. However, even with the availability of these newer channels, a trusted and true tactic is still direct mail.

A strategically designed mailer that is sent to a targeted and verified list can be really effective in getting your business noticed among residents of a certain area —especially if a well-chosen promotional item is included.

The copy of a mailer is incredibly important, and that includes the headline, the benefits to customers, offer, and call to action. Copy that is unclear or too long or too short can really impact your response rates and your investment in the mailing.

To write good copy (whether you do it yourself or use an outsource), you need to ask the following questions about what you’re selling and why your potential customers should take action.

  • What is your mail goal for this mail campaign? Are you trying to increase your visibility, generate leads, or provide education to your customers? If you're clear from the beginning, the copy will become more targeted and meaningful to your audience.
  • What problem or need will your service or product address? Will you save people time or money? Reduce risk? Satisfy hunger? :)  Make sure you keep your customers' wants and needs top of mind at all times. They don't really care about "you". They care what you will do for them.
  • Why will you be their best choice? What objections could your potential customers have about buying from you? Find out what objections they might have and address the biggest ones in your copy. Objections could  be price, reputation, etc. Testimonials can help.
  • What do you want potential customers to do when they receive your mailer? Do you want people to call, email, RSVP, scan a QR code, or visit your website? Do you have an expiration date or deadline?

Here’s the last question: does your current marketing services provider offer what you need to design, develop, send and track a successful mail campaign? We have helped create many, many successful mail campaigns, and we'd love to help with yours!