Soft Cover Paperbacks

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  • Consider Additional Quantities for a better price. The minimum quantity of books is 10.

  • If + or - 10% is selected, you will be charged per book delieved.

  • Sizes of finished books subject to a 1/16" variance and non bleed books will always be 1/8" smaller than the selected size.

  • If your book contains images that print right to the edge of the paper, please select "Yes".

  • We offer several options for uncoated stock including 60# and 70# white, 60# Cream colored stock, 80# Gloss text as well as an option for a fully laminated book. The Cover is printed on 10 point card stock that is coated on one side and then is protected with a UV coating. By selecting Laminated Covers and Inside pages, your book will be laminated with a thicker 30 mil cover and 16 mil laminated inside pages and bound with Plastic Coil suitable for heavy use like menus or other durable manuals.

  • Our standard binding is soft cover perfect binding which produces "paperback books" equivalent to what is sold in bookstores and Amazon. Usually perfect binding is used for books larger than 50 pages although we can do much smaller page counts but the spine will be small. Other options include saddle stitching which is a good choice for up to 48 page books. Plastic Coil is a good choice for manuals where you need to be able to flip the pages to the back or have the book lay completely flat. Wire-O is similar to plastic coil in performance but uses a metal binding element.

  • If your Cover is in final PDF form, there is no additional charge for artwork. This means the front, spine and back cover are all positioned correctly with proper bleeds and safety margins. You can use our spine calculator to get the dimensions for final artwork based on your books size and page count. If like many authors, you need help in creating a final cover that really sells, we offer several packages that are explained in the "Design Services" tab.

  • If your book is in final PDF form, there is no additional charge for artwork. If like many authors, you need help in doing the final page layout to add headers, footers, margins and a consistent, professional style we offer several packages that are explained in the "Design Services" tab.

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    Book Printing Information & Resources

    Getting Started

    Binding styles

    Alta Graphics offers a wide range of book binding alternatives ensuring that regardless of your books size, we can provide a professionally bound finished product. The industry standard is Perfect Bound Soft Cover. For books with smaller page counts, saddle stitching is another popular option. We also offer color coil binding and hard cover "case binding" which has advantages for certain books.

    Perfect Binding

    Perfect Binding

    Saddle Stitched booklets

    Saddle Stitched booklets

    Color Plastic Coil Binding

    Color Plastic Coil Binding

    Hard Cover or Case bound books

    Hard-Cover & Case Bound

    Book Size

    While we can produce other custom sizes, the standard sizes we offer are designed to minimize waste and cost per page by taking advantage of all of the paper.

    Paper Stock Choices

    While we can print on most papers, there are several that are commonly used for book printing. The vast majority of books are printed on uncoated or non glossy paper. Coffee Table books or art books are usually printed on Glossy or Coated paper which makes the pictures look photographic. Depending on the nature of your book, you may want to consider using a coated paper if you have lots of photographs. We also offer “Dull” or Matt coated stock which has less glare but looks and feels better than traditional uncoated stocks.


    Are printed on 10 point C1S cover stock. Other papers are available for an additional charge.

    Uncoated Paper

    Is the standard sheet used for most books. We offer 60# white and cream colored "Natural White" as well as 70# White offset.

    Gloss Text

    This is the standard for books that feature a lot of color pages. We offer 80# and 100# gloss text. We also can provide other coated stocks on special requests.

    Laminated Books

    For Books that are subject to a lot of handling, we offer a fully laminated option. The Cover is laminated with thicker 30mil and inside pages are laminated at 16mil. The entire book is coil bound. This produces a extremely durable book suitable for harsh conditions like Menus or factory manuals.

    Color vs Black & White

    While covers are almost always printed in full color on the outside, the inside pages can be done either as all color, all Black & White or some combination where a section may be in one or the other. If a book has an entire section that is different from the rest of the book (for example a color section in a black & white book) it can be priced based on the total number of color pages plus the total number of black & white pages using our pricing calculator. If however the pages are not together in a section but are interspersed throughout the book, it will probably need to be priced as all color. Contact customer service for assistance in seeing how we can handle your specific project if it has a mix of color pages throughout the book.

    Black & White Pages Black & White Pages
    Color Pages Color Pages

    Design Services

    Designing Your Book

    We can work with your book printing project regardless of whether it is in a final “ready for print” format or if you only have basic text. ANY change requires multiple steps and will incur additional costs as shown below. We offer design services for designing an inside layout or a professional book cover.

    Design Credit

    We will credit your book order to help cover design services at 10% of your total printing cost up to a total of $250. Simply select the design service you need and we will do the rest!

    Inside Page Layout

    We offer several page book layout packages that include different amounts of customization. We offer two Production Prep Packages designed to take your formatted PDF or MS Word file and make them "Production Ready" if there are minor production adjustments required. We offer two design packages providing a service to professionally layout your unformatted MS Word manuscript.

    Production Preparation

    PDF Prep $79
    This package includes basic production corrections to your final PDF. This can include minor correction of typo's, adding bleed, deleting pages and adjusting existing Table of Contents.

    MS Word Prep $119
    This package is ideal for anyone that has a MS Word file that is final and formatted exactly as you want the final layout. We will convert your file into a production PDF. Converting a MS Word file on our systems may result in a font substitution. To prevent this, you should use the PDF format when saving your word file.

    Additional Charges
    Minor typographical changes with no reformatting - $49. Start over with a new customer file - $79.

    Templated Interior

    Basic Layout $179
    This package is an economical solution, providing a professional layout from your final approved MS Word manuscript. We will apply the type styles shown in the selected template to your file. We will add page numbers and headers to your layout and generate a proof. This package is not suitable for layouts containing interior images due to the additional formatting required.

    Additional Charges
    Minor typographical changes with no reformatting - $49. Changes to a different template without typographical changes - $99. Start over with a new customer file - $169.

    Custom Interior

    Custom Layout $299

    This is a custom layout service that includes custom headers and footers or the usage of multiple type styles. Package includes up to 20 interior images with additional images can be added. This service includes one revision. You will receive a final PDF file of your book contents.

    Additional Charges
    Minor typographical changes with no reformatting - $49. Additional images (more than 20) - $2 each. Changes to template - $149. Start over with a new customer file - $259.

    Cover Design Service

    A professionally designed cover will make your book stand out! Our creative team will take your basic theme and design a cover incorporating images, professional typography and colors for front and back cover as well as the spine. You will receive a final PDF file suitable for production.

    Cover Prep

    Cover Prep $99
    This package includes basic production corrections to your final cover artwork. This can include production corrections to add bleed, create a spine, adjust margins. We can work from your original file to make the adjustments if it contains the correct elements. We will review and advise if anything is missing.

    Additional Charges
    Minor Typographical changes with no reformatting - $59. Start over with a new customer file - $79.

    Basic Cover

    Basic Cover $149
    This is a cover design package that includes formatting your cover photo and title for the front, supplied text or author bio and photo on the back and a spine. This package is not available for covers requiring multiple photos or phoot composition

    Additional Charges
    Minor Typographical changes with no reformatting - $49. Changes to layout without typographical changes - $99.

    Advanced Cover

    Custom Cover $299 and up

    This package is for designs requiring multiple photos or photo retouching and composition. Price starts at $299 but based on complexity of authors design or need for multiple concepts must be custom quoted.


    Self publishing is an easy way to get your book published giving you complete control over all the steps in the process. This allows you to control all aspects from design, production, distribution and profit. It also means you are responsible for each of these steps requiring more work from you.

    Many successful authors have used self publishing as the preferred way to get there books printed including; Deepak Chopra, Tom Peters, D.H Lawrence, Oscar Wilde, Carl Sandburg among many others. Many authors have started by self-publishing there work and then are in a position to negotiate with a publisher from a position of greater strength. So lets look at the steps in getting your book published!

    Here is a summary of the steps to self-publish your book:

    1. Edit your manuscript so that it is completely checked for spelling, and grammatical errors. Consider using an outside editorial service to either do a basic Mechanical edit to catch technical problems with grammer and sentence construction or a more comprehensive or Substantive edit to get suggestions on structural changes that could improve readability.

    2. Have the final book laid out using a page layout program to get proper margins, headers and footers and the proper choices of type styles. If you need to do this yourself in MS Word, you will need to create a PDF from the final file to “lock” the layout and prevent changes when moving to another computer.

    3. Create a cover design that will help sell the book. This is one area where professional help from a graphic designer should be used. The overall cost is low relative to the total investment you will be making in your book and having a poorly designed cover will affect the success of the project.

      Remember “you can’t judge a book by its cover” but that’s the normal place to start.

    4. Get an ISBN number for your book. This makes you the registered publisher of the book forever. The only US agent that distributes ISBN numbers is If you are offered an ISBN number for “free” by a printing or self publishing service, they will be the publisher of your book and orders for your book will go through them. Consider getting a package with additional ISBN numbers as each version of your book (an e-book version for example) requires its own number.

    5. Place your initial order of books for enough copies to complete a successful launch. While we can produce as few as 10 books, the price goes down considerably as the quantity increases. Most people start with 100 – 200 copies but you can order and reorder as required. Because your book is being produced digitally, you can usually reorder in about 48 hours.

    6. Develop a marketing plan for your book. This is a topic of additional blog articles and is a constantly evolving area. The techniques that are usually used include; a website and/or Facebook page for the book, Book Signing events, press releases, Podcasts and blogs with posts related to your books topics. Consider purchasing John Kremer’s 1001 Ways to Market Your Book which as the title says, has many ideas.

    Think you are done? Many successful authors do not stop with their first book. Having multiple titles gives additional credibility to you as an author and frequently an authors second or third title is the one that becomes successful.

    Spine Size Calculator

    Spine & Cover Calculator

    Book Size
    Paper Stock
    Binding Style


    • a =
    • b = book height
    • c = spine
    • w = book cover layout width
    • h = book cover layout height
    • w = 2a + c + 2 (0.125")
    • h = b + 2 (0.125")
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