check1When you gear up for a trade show, you have so many details to consider: Is our booth up-to-date and ready to go? Do we have effective promotional products (and do we have enough)? Do we have a good plan in place to follow up on the leads we get?

Something that many businesses neglect in their pre-show planning is pre-show marketing. They rely on the trade show planners to get the word out about their involvement. However, to maximize your time and investment, it's a good idea to trumpet your participation and get involved in pre-show marketing, so the use of brochure printing services can help to prepare the show before hand. Here are some good tips to do just that:

Get Social:
Most conference organizers these days have an active social media campaign running in the months prior to the event. Large conferences these days generally have Facebook pages and Twitter accounts, and even YouTube, Google+ and Instagram profiles. They also usually have a hashtag or two that are created especially for the event. We recommend businesses to continue reading about tips on implementing your marketing strategy.

Get involved in the conversations about the event by talking about it on your own social media accounts and using the hashtag in your posts. You can also usually post on a conference's Facebook page, etc., to indicate your excitement and involvement. Contact this seo company to learn how to help your business grow online.

Check Your Database:
Send out emails and even snail mail to contacts in your database that you think (or know) will be attending the show. You may even reach out to specific contacts and offer them a special gift for stopping by and being mentioned on your social media profiles.

Write About It:
Consider writing an article about a topic related to the conference's theme, or at a minimum, about your anticipated appearance at the show. Post the article to your website and PR sites as well as share it on your social media profiles.

Let us know if you would like more tips about preparing for a successful trade show!