Have you ever heard the phrase, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket"? This definitely applies to marketing. All too often, small businesses put all of their marketing dollars into social media or Google AdWords or promotional products. Although postal mail might not have the excitement of the latest social media network, marketing professionals often choose a mix of marketing strategies that include direct mail. Here's why:

Direct Mail Pieces Can Be Saved:
It's tough to save digital advertisements or Facebook ads on your (physical) desktop. But a well-designed and memorable mailer with a smart call to action may very well be saved by the recipient for days, week, or even months. Mailers with special offers or coupons give your audience a reason to save your message.

Direct Mail Pieces Can Have a Physical Impact:
Mailings can be opened, make noises, have an impact. Pieces with an odd or oversized shape get attention.

Direct Mail is More Memorable:
As people and businesses continue to switch to email for greetings cards and bill paying, physical mailboxes are seeing fewer pieces of mail. This means that direct mail is more effective due to fewer messages competing for your prospects' attention.

Direct Mail is Measurable:
Unlike a lot of digital marketing, direct mail's results and performance can be easily tracked to measure the financial return on your marketing investment. You can track the cost per lead, overall results, and the profitability of your campaign to determine its success.

Direct Mail Can Contain Exclusive Offers:
With a direct mail campaign you can offer exclusive discounts and special offers that customers and prospects can only find in their mailbox.

Direct Mail Can Be Personal:
Mailings can be personalized to the recipient with a customized message. Many businesses don't go that far with their direct mail pieces, but they can. This personalized touch can be extremely helpful in building a relationship with the reader and can result in a higher likelihood of driving action.

Direct Mail is Proven:
Well-designed mail campaigns have stood the test of time for many, many businesses and industries. Direct mail is a proven marketing channel that has stood the test of time. In 2012 direct mail has continued to yield successful results that confirm its place at the top of the marketing ladder.

Direct Mail Can Be Part of An Integrated Marketing Campaign:
Smart business marketers use a variety of ways to reach people. Direct mail can be part of an integrated marketing campaign that involves email, social media, TV, radio, and promotional products. Studies have shown that the results of a direct mail campaign can be even greater when paired with other marketing channels.

If you're interested in how direct mail can be combined with other marketing techniques, contact us!